The last decade has seen a successful and masterful effort by beverage companies to sell us energy drinks. They promise to provide us limitless energy to power us through our…
At Origins most therapeutic programs involve some sort of supplementation protocol. We always give our clients a detailed plan of when to take what supplement. This is important because if…
A few basic facts to remember are that sugar is extremely toxic to the body and must be kept in a very narrow range within the blood. This is why…
Our country is reaching an epidemic problem with opioid addiction and other pharmacological treatments for pain often fall short. By using pharmaceutical treatments we risk addiction and toxicity. Drug overdose…
Having practiced Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture for 20 years now, it is always interesting to me when conventional medicine “discovers” a new natural treatment. One of the most popular…
One of the things that drives us absolutely banana’s over here at Origins Medicine is all the horrible advice out there on “cleanses” and “liver detox programs.” A huge amount…

Hi Everyone, Those of you who have followed this blog know that I am not a fan of the over prescription of PPI medications to treat heartburn (GERD). It is…
Just a decade ago conventional medicine believed that non-celiac gluten sensitivity was a bunch of nonsense. A doctor could be laughed out of the room for even bringing it up! …
A proper functioning stress response is at the core of our health. Our main stress hormone, cortisol, manages our alertness, mental focus, inflammation, digestive health, mood, etc. It play a…
In the 20 years I have been in clinical practice I’ve found that there is one symptom that drives people to seek help more than any other: pain. Pain, of…